Beware of Harmful Ingredients in Your Hair Care Products

We put our beautiful hair through so much duress from heat to dye and so much of strain to a variety of chemicals in shampoos and conditioners. We don’t have to run to a salon or drug store for buying shampoo or for undergoing the latest hair care treatment in order to have strong and shiny gorgeous hair. We can achieve similar results, if not better with natural hair care products. The reason we jump on the latest product or hair trend is that there are whole lot of commercials and media advertisements meant to lure through a perfect look and banished split ends.
The Truth about Traditional Hair Care Products
Most cosmetic stores and salon products for hair care contain at least 30 or more number of synthetic ingredients. Quite a few products claiming to be natural or organic are not fully so. These synthetic ingredients in hair care products strip hair and scalp of natural oils and leave behind seriously dry hair. It is also true that these products leave a heavy wax build-up assuring a bad time for hair. It would be wiser to keep the bathroom free of commercial hair care products with chemical and artificial ingredients. It would be sensible to opt for chemical-free natural hair care products and organic oils alongside consuming a healthy diet which is rich in minerals, friendly fats and antioxidants.
What to Avoid in Hair Care Products
It is very important to know which chemical ingredients to avoid while shopping for shampoos, conditioners and other hair care products. Four of the most common ingredients which harm our cells, skin and hair are enumerated below.
Paraben – This is one of the most common preservatives used in hair care products. It is a primary chemical which is found to disrupt the human endocrine system and unbalances the crucial hormonal system. While labeling, paraben is often listed with prefixes like isobutyl-, butyl-, isopropyl-, propyl-, methyl- or ethyl.
Sulphates – These are 90% foaming and lathering products. They are used as fillers in skin and hair care products. These are well known endocrine disruptors, skin irritants, suspected carcinogens and assisting gene mutations. Sulphates are frequently labeled as ‘derived from’ coconut in order to portray them as innocuous. Largely used because they are inexpensive and effective for penetrating oil. They are labeled as Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Ammonium Laureth Sulfate (ALES) or Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES). Keep guard and don’t get fooled by the coconut reference.
P-Phenylenediamine – This ingredient is normally found in hair dyes. Some natural henna dyes, colored shampoos and hair bleaches also contain them. Evidence suggests that this ingredient is a neurotoxin which causes eczema and skin rashes. All efforts to restrict usage of p-Phenylenediamine in hair care products have been defeated time and again.
Water and Water-Based Infusions – These are known as aqueous extracts or distillates. Used as fillers, they literally fill up the bottle cheaply. Since these water-based infusions are prone to spoilage, preservatives like sodium benzoate or paraben must be added to the hair care product. It would be foolish to expect high quality of water either. It could be tap water most likely to be containing fluoride and chlorine along with many other toxins.
Ristrah’s all-Natural Scalp Serum
One of the best hair care products, Ristrah’s Natural Scalp Serum is formulated with natural extracts and vitamin B5. While relieving dry, itchy, flaky and irritated scalp, it also strengthens hair alongside maintaining scalp health. Just apply a small amount of serum to fingertips or directly onto scalp and massage throughout in circular motion. Leave the serum on scalp for at least 30 minutes or overnight for best results before shampooing. It is recommended that you use Natural Scalp Serum at least 2 or 3 times every week for optimum resul
