Facts about Sodium Benzoate as Preservative
Sodium Benzoate basically is a food grade preservative found in a variety of edible items, beverages and many other products. It is generally recognized to be safe in small doses but may however cause harmful effects under certain conditions. Nevertheless, knowing facts about sodium benzoate will allow you to assess risks and benefits more accurately.

Sodium benzoate is a preservative which is used to prevent foods and other items from molding.
Sodium benzoate is especially used for preserving acidic beverages and foods like soft drinks, fruit juices, salad dressings and pickles.
Sodium benzoate when mixed with vitamin C (ascorbic acid) transforms into benzene which is a known carcinogen.
Rate of benzene formation is affected by heat and light and the time spent on shelf from the day of production to consumption.
US FDA has pronounced limited usage of sodium benzoate which is 0.1% of the product by weight.
Studies suggest that sodium benzoate when mixed with artificial food colorings can cause ADHD children to be more hyperactive.
Tiny amounts of sodium benzoate are naturally found in fruits like apples, prunes and cranberries.
Uses of Sodium Benzoate
Food is the most common source of sodium benzoate. Manufacturers use it as a preservative in order to prevent spoilage. Acidic products like soda, hot sauce, jams, jellies and sauerkraut are the most common sources of sodium benzoate. It is also used in personal care products, cosmetics and hair care formulations. Since it prevents fungi and bacteria from developing and changing compositions or allowing contamination, it is widely used by manufacturers across a wide spectrum of industries.
Health Effects of Sodium Benzoate
Amount of sodium benzoate in products is so low that it is unlikely to cause any side effects in most people. Sodium benzoate as a standalone ingredient is not considered to be harmful. Only when it is taken internally in large doses or combined with vitamin C ingredients poses a risk. Standalone sodium benzoate seems of little concern when utilized in skin, hair or related products. Experts believe that low dosage of sodium benzoate either taken internally or applied on skin, hair or scalp has negligible impact.
Sodium Benzoate and Hair
Preservation of ingredients while the product rests on the shelf is a well-known challenge with manufacturing any type of beauty or hair products. Formation of bacteria and fungus is a real concern which needs to be addressed. This is where sodium benzoate comes in and is often utilized by a large section of manufacturers who believe that it is safe in small concentrations.
Sodium Benzoate is Safe
Despite potential side effects, FDA determines sodium benzoate as safe for use in foods, hair care and beauty products in amounts of up to 0.1 percent by weight. However, check food and drink labels before purchasing if you are concerned about health related risks of sodium benzoate.
Sodium Benzoate in Ristrah Products
All hair care products are required to contain some kind of antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal agent. This is needed to keep the product fresh and prevent it from degrading. Sodium benzoate is found to be an excellent alternative to parabens which are harmful to health. Sodium benzoate is approved by the US FDA & is safe and effectively helps in preventing growth of microorganisms.