Natural Vegetable Glycerine is Peerless for Healthy Skin
Also known as glycerol, vegetable glycerine is a clear and odorless liquid which is made from plant oils. It is a non-toxic viscous liquid that is sweet to taste. There are numerous valuable applications for vegetable glycerine in food and cosmetic products. Vegetable glycerine is also used as a replacement for alcohol in herbal and botanical tinctures.
Making Vegetable Glycerine
Commercial production of vegetable glycerine is performed through an extraction procedure known as hydrolysis. This process involves placing plant oils under combined forces of water, temperature and pressure. This method breaks the ester bond and causes glycerine to split from fatty acids. Subsequently, it is absorbed by water. The result at this point is further isolated through the distillation procedure in order to increase purity. Due to its organic molecular makeup, vegetable glycerine features a texture which is similar to oil or syrup.
Health Benefits of Vegetable Glycerine
Vegetable glycerine is widely used in food applications. Alongside having a sweet taste, it metabolizes differently than sugar and is therefore largely used in low carbohydrate edible products for sweetening and moisturizing.Other household products where vegetable glycerine has found its way include shampoos, lotions and toothpaste. This is because glycerine is a humectant and therefore attracts moisture to skin. Glycerine soaps for example are largely popular for the reason that they leave skin hydrated. Another reason why glycerine is used in cosmetic industry is that they effectively increase solubility of other active ingredients in a product by making it more easily absorbed by skin. Vegetable glycerine is also used as a solvent and substitute for alcohol in several products.

100% Natural Vegetable Glycerine for Skin
Vegetable glycerine is 100% natural. It nourishes the skin from within. While vegetable glycerine has no side effects like rashes and breakouts, it is ideal for soft and supple skin as well.
Beneficial Properties and Applications of Vegetable Glycerine for Skin
Anti-Aging Treatment – Vegetable glycerine is excellent for skin riddled with fine lines and wrinkles. In fact, it has been successfully used for ages for treating a number of skin conditions like wrinkles and other signs of aging.
For Softening Skin – Try vegetable glycerine for dry and lifeless skin! It is an easy-to-use inexpensive option which works wonders on dry and parched skin. Regular massaging of skin with glycerine will reveal glowing skin that is properly hydrated..
Works Great as a Toner – When you are looking for one, it is important that you choose a toner which is ideal for your type of skin. Vegetable glycerine is suitable for all types of skin and can satisfactorily become a good part of your daily beauty regimen.
Excellent Moisturizer for Dry and Scaly Skin – Vegetable glycerine effectively retains water and moisture in skin. Vegetable glycerine is easy to use and results usually begin to show with the first application. Wear glycerine to bed for best results.
Vegetable Glycerine as Cleanser – Go natural and try vegetable glycerine as cleanser! Topical application of glycerine gently removes dirt and dust from skin alongside cleansing skin from within. However, keep glycerine away from eyes.
Exfoliates Dry Skin – Apart from moisturizing, vegetable glycerine can also exfoliate dead cells from skin. The result is a much younger and brighter looking skin. Try making a body scrub with equal parts of sugar and glycerine along with a few drops of aloe!
Ristrah’s Schild Natural Hair Color Stain Remover
Vegetable glycerine along with green tea extract and witch hazel has found its way in Schild Natural Hair Color Stain Remover. Application is quite simple, just take a dash on cotton pad and gently rub stain areas of the skin having excessive hair color. Schild Natural Hair Color Stain Remover is 100% vegan and free of parabens, sulfates, PEGs, petrochemicals, phthalate, silicone, ammonia, gluten and artificial fragrance.